Ibere Camargo Foundation
This project takes an existing architecture and provides an alternative context. Our foreign appendage resembles a fungal growth enveloping its host. The physical model is built from 3D printed powder.
florencia pita
collaborative work
jacques lesec / maya alam
_3D Print
_3D Print
_digital model
Kiwano African Horned Melon
In this project we dissect, describe, and 2d + 3d diagram a piece of unusual fruit. This required analytical data to be collected through scans, photographs and drawings. The result was a comprehensive understanding of the fruit’s characteristics including its shape, structure, patterning, texture, color, spatial configuration, and volume. Advanced prototyping methods such as CNC milling and 3D printing were used to fabricate the final model.
florencia pita
collaborative work
jacques lesec / sean markle
_3D print & CNC foam shelf
_3D Print
_morphology rendering
Urban Sprawler, Industrial Creeper, & the Transient Threshold focuses on the collection, storage, and distribution of water in an arid climate and how architecture’s engagement with this fluctuating substance can produce a reconsideration of the conventional understanding of the threshold between interior and exterior. Our design looks to develop a system of bio-capsules derived from the nesting of compound orbicular geometries and the way in which their spatial configurations might begin to promote circulation for elements in flux.
marcelyn gow
collaborative work
jacques lesec / chris martin
_3D print excavation
_final model
_digital model
_final model
The Eli Broad Museum design looks to investigate a variant to the “veil” enclosure strategy. It features a semi-transparent louver system that serves to regulate a visitor’s view not only between gallery spaces, but also views of the city. The screen that envelopes the concept model was conceived of 3D printed ABS plastic.
russell thompson
collaborative work
jacques lesec / paul stoelting
_3D printed louvers
_final model