Built for the Oyler Wu office, this was an aluminum and 100% recycled composite board assemblage. This fence serves as a visual barrier between the busy traffic along Hyperion Avenue and the live/work building. Conceived of as a [not so private] privacy fence, the structure explores the spatial and geometrical implications of a constant fluctuation between horizontal louver and vertical slat.
Oyler Wu Collaborative Project Team
Dwayne Oyler, Jenny Wu, Mike Piscitello, Jian Huang, Dan Hutchins, Jacques Lesec, Vincent Yeh, Javier Cambron, Paul Cambon, Huy Le, Nathan Meyers, Scott Star, Jake Henry, Ehab Ghali, Sanjay Sukie, Chris Eskew, Matt Evans, and Michael Chung
photo by Scott Mayoral
Built by Oyler Wu Collaborative: oylerwu.com/Hyperion