Modular Concrete

The objective of this assignment was to test the material limitations inherent in constructing an architectural assembly from concrete modules. The project also sought to investigate new and innovative ways of fabrication in concrete form-work.

rob ley / matthew melnyk

collaborative work
jacques lesec / erin besler / casey benito / tyler mcmartin / harry gouyoumjian / maya alam



The digital model was used to generate a CNC tool path for the production of the two-part negative form-work molds. Each were milled from medium density foam and designed to separate along the center line of the modules. Milled molds were then vacuum formed. ABS was used to help protect the foam from heat and to maintain a smooth surface texture for the casts. This allowed for successive casts with little deterioration of the mold per set. This process was repeated many times as students learned to adjust to daily humidity levels and its adverse affect on the curing process. The result was a final model whose modules slot together to form a curved wall.
